Meet  C-ri Snow,fastest Rising Nigerian Comedian With Chinese Swag!..[live interview]
After a very Hot Chase,your favorite Pr[johnbull],was able to catch up with C-RI Snow,a man whose Steady rise in the Entertainment industry has been soo fast, that you need to pick a Cab before you can even see his shadows.When johnbull finally Bullied his way into his office, he wasted no time,but to maximize the few minutes he had with him, to ask this Hardworking young man how his journey to the top started....[Enjoy]

1]johnbull tv....Can we meet you sir?

 Ans.. my name is c-ri snow

2]johnbull tv]...That sounds more like a guy name,what are your real names sir?

Ans...[hahaha]its not a guy name my brother,my name is c-ri snow,but my class teacher then in school always calls me Chikwado Richard Ikpeama and i dey always answer[laughs]...

3]johnbull tv]...Sir,can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Ans]....I'm just a hard working young man who likes trying new things and who is into Entertainment.When ever i'm given a task, i do the best i can to execute it with every sense of professionalism.

4]johnbull tv]...So how was growing up for you?..

Ans....Growing up for me was more like a process of was rough,tough and wasn't really all that rosy.but then,it was worth all the stress.

5]johnbull tv]....From the way you speak,you seen to be well learned,can we get a run down of you academical  qualifications?

Ans....[hahaha]...i have a B.ed[Bachelors of education] in Administration and planning in 2008 from the Ebonyi state university.i also have a masters degree in entertainment which is my area of strength from Aba Made university[laughs].you see,the truth is just that so many people get to master a profession they are not passionate about from one university or the other.But by Gods grace,i have mastered my profession which is entertainment.

6]johnbull tv]..Apart from Entertainment/Comedy sir,where there other things or professions you gave a shot at just for trials sake?..

Ans....Not basically,but i would say that i once wanted to study law after my secondary school education,but the Admission process then became very tedious, because of the high level of manipulation,studying law then became more like a sacred Gold and since my surname was 'IKPEAMA',i was seriously  considering the fun of having a Barrister Ikpeama in court[laughs],but since i wasn't admitted,i had to move on.
But then,law is one course i would study as a psychology in years to come.once there is life,opportunities are endless.

7]johnbull tv]..So sir,how did you get into entertainment?...

Ans.. i would say it all started from child-hood.As you know,as kids we were all entertainers.for the spoit kids,they had the privilege of watching all the cartoons and kiddies programs that you can imagine,and that served as a source of entertainment to them,but those who couldn't get all those stuffs,try as much as possible to create avenues to entertain themselves e.g[Hide and seek game,swell,gun battle,playing street football etc]my mum was a singer and still a singer,i can remember when i was a kid,i was so funny that they used to take me and my sister to our uncles house just to make him entertainment was more like an Alter call,i had no choice but to answer.

8[johnbull Tv]...  We all know Entertainment as one big family,where there other aspects of entertainment you gave a shot at?

Ans..Yea!!,i took a very big shot at music,i did my first musical album  production in 2004 in Aba,which was marketed by Albu Ventures.But then,the movement was not too strong so i had to disconnect  due to lack of support,both financially and other-wise.

9[johnbull Tv]...Talking about your Comedy Carrier,How did it all start?

Ans...Well,i started comedy with 2canTalk in Aba,Abia State.we did our first comedy Album in 2008[audio/video] titled 'We can make God Laugh' 2canTalk and C-ri Snow became a very strong brand in the east.As time went pass,i became a tv face in Aba because of my Tv show 'friday night show with c-ri snow' on Mcl Tv.the show was so popular that anybody who didn't know about the show was regarded as a JJC.

10[johnbull tv]....So having been in the industry for such a long time,what would you say was the challenges in the industry then,and now.

Ans....Well challenges were the things that made the industry more interesting,but then, we are going somewhere.basically,i would say that my major problem was content, knowing when to crack the right joke and how to use the right material was really an issue,my brother you see,there are people who carry all there family and ancestral problems to a comedy show,and when they enter the venue, instead of hiding themselves in the crowd,they would come and balance in the front row,if you like crack your anus out,you can never see them laugh.[which is very discouraging]but today,i thank God that I'm no more looking for jokes to crack,but were to crack it.

11[johnbull tv]...With the current economic condition of the country,what value do you think that comedy has added to the Countries G.D.P?

Ans....fist of all,the question should be 'what is the government doing to encourage comedians in the country',assuming there was nothing like comedy in 9ja,do you know how many comedians that would have been loitering the streets.but here we are,we created employment,we created wealth,we are creating happiness,comedy is just 'Indispensable'..The government owns us a 'Presidential Hand-Shake.'

12[johnbull Tv]......Can comedy ever be a taxable Profession? dey craze?,sorry Them dey craze?..they have no right to tax comedians, because they have not played any role in developing the profession in the many times have you hard that the government is Organizing a comedy can only tax me when i decide to rent an office apartment and starts operating from there,but if I'm operating from my house or the street,then I'm a mobile comedian and you don't have any business with my legitimate hurtle, because you can't reap where you did not sow'.

13[johnbull tv]..Still talking about your career,we learn't you are also a music video director,[not just a video director,but an award winning director],an event planner and also a writer.Would it be out of place to call you a jack of all trade sir?

Ans...[laughs] name is not Jacky Chain,and ism not a jack of all trade,but I'm rather a very hard working young man who has mastered so many things within a short period of time.Everything has to do with self discipline and time management.i schedule my programs according to my activities,and of course team work...As they say,'Success is not a destination but a journey',so tell me why we shouldn't make this journey worthwhile.

14[johnbull tv]....Hope we wouldn't wake up one morning to here that C-ri snow is now a Politician?

Ans..Nooo!,you see i have never been a fan of politics, the best i can do is to Accept a political appointment,but to go into full blown politics!, definitely not.

15[johnbull tv].....On a Scale of 1-5,can you actually rate the level at which politicians has delivered there manifesto or mandate to the populist?

Ans...the fact still remains that this people you call politician[with no apologies] are not really politician, but people whom are just representing the interest of those[God fathers] that put then in power,and secondly most of the so called manifesto's you see today are just photocopied ideas..Now Tell me,how possible do you think it is to implement a manifesto that was originally made\Meant for Americans in Nigeria?, that alone tells you how clueless our politician have become.

16[johnbull Tv]....So how has the Economic Policies of the current Government affected Comedy?

Ans... well the truth still remains that there are no economic policy of the government that can affect my career,because my gifting\talent is not from the government but from matter how hard the economy gets people will always laugh,infact the harder the economy, the higher the demand for comedians,because people will always look for ways to cool off.

17[johnbull tv]... what is your entertainment outfit 4unny Money all about?

Ans.... well 4unny money simply means making money out of most professions, you don't make money until you frown or get paranoid,but in 4unny money,we make our money by making our clients smile or laugh.

18].[johnbull tv]... You are currently the brand ambassador of Hps Roofing [ A Chinese Firm] and also Gold Foam, how did you manage to pull that through?

Ans.... Well i would firstly tell you that 'With God all things are possible',and secondly 'hard work pays'..Hps is a Chinese roofing company that has  a reputable presence in Africa for  over 10 years,when they first came to Nigeria,i met there representatives in an event,they approached me after my performance and told me how much they love my craft,one thing led to the other and today we are here.Gold foam has been a house hold name in Africa and Nigeria as long as Foams and pillows are concerned,when they approached me and told me about there vision,i had no other option but to be part of there great vision,been a man that is totally sold out to vision.

19[johnbull tv].. You are happily married with two kids,how do you mange Carrier and Family?

Ans...  well those that know me too well,will tell you that my house is an entertainment house,my two kids has already featured in some of my skits,i don't struggle to manage the two,because in the long run,you would find out that they are one

20[johnbull tv].... what is the worst thing that has ever happened to your career?

Ans....Nothing can be as worse as been invited or called for an event,and after cracking your hearts out,you are not been paid.most times,you might just depend on that money to offset a bill,and at the end of the show,its disappointment.

21[johnbull Tv]...What should you fans be expecting from you?

Ans...More Creativity form team 4nyMoni,Project 'Mind Reminder'[ which is like slotting a cd,and you think you are listening to a Radio]...Even me i'm Watching Out, yash!!

Exclusive on Official JohnBull Tv..


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