The future belongs to those who believes in the beuty of their Dreams-St JOSEPH

Its no more news that Prince Nwanze Joseph  a.k.a St joseph,has made his intention of contesting for the Position of 'Chairman Actors Guild of Nigeria',abuja chapter known to the general public
its not also news,that the above said young man,has contributed inmersly to the growth and development of the guild, in a membership capacity..whats news,is that the Chairmanship aspirant has taken a bold and nice step further,in releasing his personal data/Biography and a test of his manifesto to his fellow thespans who are eligible to vote..Ask him why he decided to release part of the manisfesto and hold back a hole bunch of it? reserving the best for the last,he said!

below is a run down of his personal data and manifesto.



Productivity: Integrity: Excellence:
“Achievement Does Not Require Extraordinary Ability. Achievement comes From Ordinary Abilities Applied with Extraordinary Persistence”
Actors Guild of Nigeria is known and recognized as the real umbrella body for actors in Nigeria. This puts AGN at an advantageous position to be productive and highly attractive.
AGN must of necessity become productive if she is to attract the needed respect and attention. Actor members need to work, therefore, AGN must come up with creative initiatives taking advantage of the goodwill she enjoys with sister guilds and the general public, to provide jobs for her members.
Oil, which is the main stay of the Nigerian economy is failing by the day as the alternative (solar energy and electric driven cars} are fast taking over; but entertainment has never been enough at any time.
California is the richest State in the United States and the fifth richest State in the world putting it ahead of countries such as France. The main stay of her economy is Hollywood. We must do the needful as a recognised National body and help get the youths of this Country out of her present quagmire, maladies and hullabaloos.

AGN Abuja has all the potentials to be productive should her leadership imbibe the required drive and integrity. No leader, no matter how highly placed, irrespective of vision, capacity and available resources will succeed without integrity.
The people must believe in you to stand by you, your words as well as your actions must be clear and devoid of bias and questions.
This is the kind of leadership I’m bringing to the table, leadership hinged on excellence, leadership that guarantees that the guild is productive, actors are acting and leadership is delivered with accountability and integrity leading to productivity and excellence.
If elected, I shall deliver the following:
Productivity: Job creation
Integrity: Accountability and
Excellence: Quality leadership/organisation
Ideas and suggestions are welcomed from every member of the guild in order to move it forward. Ideas are very important but more important is the will to see them materialize through actionable plan.
To see these through, I have made contact with some well-meaning individuals and organisations for strong partnership with Actors Guild of Nigeria, FCT chapter.

(Personal Data)

Born 14th February 1980 to the family of Chief Daniel Nwanze of Amachi, Amagu, Mgbaleze-Isu Onicha Local Government Area, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Central School Mgbaleze-Isu, Government Secondary School [Jere], Certificate Course in Theatre and Film Studies [University of Nigeria Nsukka], Certificate in Leadership Studies [Global Leadership Institute], Certificate in Administrative Studies [John C. Maxwell Leadership Institute], Film Studies [National Film Institute, Jos], Professional Training Certificate [Abuja International Film Festival], Bsc. Public Administration, University of Abuja [Awaiting result]


Joined the Nigeria Movie Industry [Nollywood] in 2003 with a star appearance in the movie ‘OTONDO’ directed by Izu Ojukwu. Went on to star in movies such as Under Pressure, Billionaires Club 3, Omugwo 2, Child of Promise, My Father’s Love, Unfortunate Hero, Men on Hard Way, Deadly Deceit, The Return, Four Sister, Dented, My Sweet Sister, Return of the Ghost, The Godfather, Blue Flames, Dante’s Fall, Enclosed, to mention just a few.
Became a Production Manager in 2004 with the help of Sir Obi Okoli [Idejimba] and went on to become first choice Production Manager/Associate Producer to companies such as Andy Best Productions, Idejimba Films, I. Womas Industries, Danga Movies, House of Macro and many others, producing and managing movies too numerous to mention.
Runners-up for the award of Best Production manager of the year 2006
Winner, Best Production manager of the year 2007, emerged Chairman, Production Managers Guild, Enugu State Chapter 2008.
St. Joseph has contributed to numerous scripts including ‘Men on Hard Way, Death Spiral, Revelation, Grave Dust, Ayaka, Merchants of Death’, and has written scripts such as ‘Justified Crime, Not My Will, Enclosed, Love On The Rocks, Our Bride, Ojemba, Native Law, Misplaced, Grave Dust, etc.
He had his directorial debut in 2011 as an Assistant Director to Sir Obi Okoli on the movie Niger Mission, Papel’s Blue Flames in 2011. Other movies he worked on as Assistant Director includes ‘Revelation, Death Spiral, Grave Dust, Looking Back, Ayaka, Dante’s Fall, Nduka tv Series.
As a Movie Director, he directed some episodes of the popular Charles Novia Television Series, ‘Nduka, Connubial Challenges, Enclosed, Royal Battle [Cameron] Not My Will and counting.

A.G.N!!......The show must go On!(Follow who Know Road)

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 Note..This is a known partisan editoria!


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