Hurrey!,Actors Guild of Nigeria training School, finally comes to an End..

No knowledge they say,is a waste.After one week of vigorous training,the training organized by the actors guild of Nigeria,Abuja chapter has finally come to an end..the students where taught extensively,on the following

4.Make up
5.Script writing
6.Business Planing
9.Production management
10..Oral/Verbal English.

Reputable hands like Ugochukwu Ohuonu[20mouth], Holy Steve.Ade,St joseph,Mr Borris,Mrs Holy Steve,Tony Goodman, Sydneyn diala,chapter chairman Agility onwurah etc. where on deck, to grind the students on the various aspects of movie making..the exercise which started on monday the 27/06/2016,ended on saturday the 2/7/1016 with a physical exercise led by Actor Freeman.

 A short movie is set to be coming out soon,from the concepts of the grandaunts of this very school.

If you weren't part of this one week Training school exercise..hmmm!.. sorry you missed!!

Photo credit..Agility onwurah[Abuja chapter chairman]


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