10 Secrets About A.G.N Vice-Chairperson Enitan Audu you dont Know!

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Secrets are Secrets because no one knows about them.3rd August of every year is always celebrated as the birthday of Enitan Audu[vice-Chairman Actors Guild Of Nigeria Abuja chapter].so Today we took out time to Dish out ten Secrets about her,you dont know!
1.Today is her birthday.

2.Call her On phone.

3..Wish her well.

4.Pray for her.

5.Get her a Gift.

6.Celebrate with her if you are close.

7.She is a jolly Good fellow.

Well i'm still thinking about the remaining three Secrets.wait oo!, why are you frowing? is it your secret?...Abi is it your Birthday?.Be a good someborry and wish her well jarri!

Happy Birthday Enitan Audu!    


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