With the kick off of the presidential campaign only a few days away, Atiku Ladies Movement (ALM) has stepped into high gear towards preparations. The National Coordinator, Comrade Chioma Judith Ononyaba of ALM has stated unequivocally that ALM is ready to go all out in support of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. 

Comrade Ononyaba speaking from the Enugu office of ALM said that Atiku Abubakar is the right man for the job of President of Nigeria. Citing various sources, she said that Atiku Abubakar has built businesses that currently employ thousands of Nigerians and this is a feat many Nigerians believe he will be able to replicate on a much larger scale as president. These businesses include his well known Intels company and water and juice business - Faro -  among others. In addition, while serving as Vice President, he assembled a qualitative and effective economic team that helped to revamp the Nigerian economy. With this team in place Nigeria was able to clear a backlog of debt left from a military era and lay a solid foundation for foreign direct investment. She added that this kind of wisdom is needed to salvage Nigeria’s current dire economic situation.

Comrade Ononyaba said that she believes that his promise of 40% inclusion of women and youth in his government is not mere politician's rhetoric as others are wont to do. But they are words of a man who truly means well for Nigerian women. Referring to various interviews he has given to the media, she pointed out the loan facilities he made available for women in Adamawa where he directed that 80% of loans given by his microfinance bank be given to women. She also pointed to the fact that his philanthropic acts have positively impacted the lives of thousands most especially women and children.

Comrade Ononyaba’s message to Nigerian women as campaigns kick off on the 18th of November is that they should come out en masse to vote for a man who not only has their best interests at heart but is also concerned about the well being of the younger generation.

The ALM has an active presence in all the 36 states of the federation plus the FCT and is open to all women. The group has an active Facebook account @Atikuladiesmovement and an active Instagram account @Atikuladiesmovement which are open for public interaction.


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